The DVIN Blog

Building Bridges with DSOs: Creating Effective Engagement

By Cassie Tallon, CEO of The Fractional Match LLC

Direct selling to a DSO can be challenging but also rewarding, given the scale and potential volume of business. If you're targeting a DSO to sell vendor services, follow these strategies to increase your chances of success:

1. Understand the Specific Needs of the DSO:

Every DSO is different. Understand their unique needs, challenges, and objectives. Research the size, number of locations, specialties offered, and any other relevant characteristics. Tailor your pitch and offerings to align with these specific requirements.

2. Position Yourself as a Partner, Not Just a Vendor:

Offer value-added services or consultations that can help the DSO improve its operations. For example, if you offer dental equipment, maybe you can also provide training sessions for their teams. By showing that you're interested in their long-term success and not just a one-time sale, you'll increase your chances of building a lasting relationship.

3.Showcase Savings and Efficiency:

DSOs operate on a larger scale than individual practices, so the potential for cost savings or improved efficiency is a major selling point. Present case studies or metrics that show how your services have saved money or increased productivity for other organizations. When possible, quantify the value you bring (e.g., "Our service can reduce administrative time by 20%, which equates to $X savings per year").

4. Build Relationships:

It's not just about reaching out to the decision-makers. Connect with multiple stakeholders within the DSO, from administrative staff to clinicians. Attend industry conferences, workshops, or webinars where you can meet DSO representatives in person. Building trust and forming relationships with a variety of personnel can open doors and keep you informed about the DSO's ongoing needs.

5. Provide Exceptional Customer Service and Support:

Even after making a sale, your relationship with the DSO shouldn't end. Offer impeccable after-sales support, troubleshoot issues promptly, and periodically check in to ensure they're satisfied with your services. A DSO with a positive experience is more likely to refer you to other DSOs or expand the range of services they procure from you.

Remember, the DSO market can be competitive, so differentiate yourself by truly understanding your client's needs, offering tangible value, and maintaining a focus on long-term partnership.

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At DVIN, we believe that collaboration is a two-way street. We highly value the input and perspectives of DSOs as key stakeholders in the dental industry. Your engagement is essential in driving innovation and bringing positive change. We encourage DSOs to actively participate, share their suggestions, and provide feedback with DVIN.

Together, let's create a collaborative environment where open communication between DSOs and vendor partners fosters growth and advancements in the dental industry.